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- Version 1.1
- MAJOR Release.
- This version has a re-vamped interface that vastly improves
- performance when only 256 colors are available. This release
- also includes full structure editing, and an easier to use
- system for assigning specials.
- Full texture preview, including Wall textures. Improved
- documentation now includes a full manual.
- Version 1.0b
- We've got fixes and features this time. But first I'd like
- to mention something: Alot of people have got this
- misconception that you need to use the -devparms option
- when you use the -file option, not so! If you are playing
- a WAD level, please use only the -file options.
- Also, in case you don't know this, you can use MULTIPLE WAD
- files on the same command line in the same Doom session.
- This includes both level WADs as well as one's with graphics
- and sound in them.
- doom -file e1m1.wad e1m2.wad dmpython.wad
- And lastly, other developers have suggested that making
- the editor only save levels that overlay episodes 2 and 3
- will prevent people from using them with the shareware
- version. Sorry, wrong. Any fool who is even moderately
- proficient with a hex editor can change the level value
- in a couple seconds. So you need to have OBJECTS
- and TEXTURES from the registered game. Even this can be
- overcome just by patching in new objects and textures
- but it's a good start. iD: PLEASE TAKE THE -FILE OPTION
- OUT OF THE SHAREWARE GAME! Soapbox mode off.
- =========
- -Fixed a problem that prevented the loading of PWAD level
- files made in other utils.
- -Fixed the labels on the Line attributes so they are right
- now! They were totally barfed before, 2 of them were
- right out of 8. Oh well.
- -Structure mode has been temporarily disabled again. Still
- too many problems.
- ============
- -EASY selection of Zone Special Attributes. Just click
- on the ? and you get a list, double click the new attrib.
- That's it!
- -Improved Line/Zone toolbox. Looks better, works better.
- Nuff said.
- -Lines which have a special attribute are highlighted in
- blue on the Line/Zone edit mode display. (They were already
- highlighted yellow on the Object mode display)
- -EASY location of line/zone special pairs. To locate the
- LINE with the same tag as this ZONE, press the ? next to
- the zone tag number. The matching line will become the
- currently selected line. If multiple lines have the same
- tag value they will all be highlighted and the last one
- found will be the selected one.
- The locate zone feature works in an identical manner by
- pressing the ? next to the line tag value.
- Version 1.0
- This is a major re-release of the editor. The entire look of
- the program has undergone major changes. The interface is much
- smoother and freindly, also there have been a number of speed
- improvements over the old version.
- All possible aspects of level related WAD data can now be edited
- aside from moving lines.